Through QR Code, it will be known that the parts in the vehicle are stolen, scanner will catch

QR code will be entered on all vehicle parts from October

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QR codes will be required in the major parts of all vehicles made after October. In this regard, the Union Ministry of Road Transport will issue instructions to all vehicle manufacturers in September. This would allow manufacturers there to give a QR code on all parts of every new vehicle made since October. This code will not appear on normal lines. With this, with the help of ultraviolet rays, it can be seen. This will allow the vehicle to be identified with its owner. In such a situation, if the parts of one vehicle are stolen and put in another vehicle, then this theft will be caught. This will prevent the theft of parts of vehicles.

Increasing vehicle theft in the country 
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More than 2.5 lac vehicles are stolen every year in the country. Parts of about half of these vehicles are removed and put into other vehicles. Parts other than the engine and chassis cannot be identified, as only these two parts have numbers entered. Vehicles with stolen parts run indiscriminately from small to large city's and police do not even recognize them.

This is how the bar code will be
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Manufacturers will print QR codes on expensive parts of vehicles. This code will also enter the engine and chassis number. When registered after the sale of the vehicle, along with the vehicle owner, the chassis and engine number are also recorded.

Parts of such vehicle can be tracked

If transport and police officers suspect the theft of parts of a vehicle, they will scan the bar code with the help of ultraviolet rays and check the parts of the vehicle. The engine and check number of the vehicle will also come with the scan. The owner will be located by entering this number in the vehicle software of the transport department.
qr code

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